

Hasbro, Bandai Namco Back UGC Game Studio Look North World Funding

Los Angeles-based Look North World, a user-generated content game studio and publisher led by founder and CEO Alexander Seropian, a…

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Cruise Lines, RH, Adobe, Hasbro, and More

Key Takeaways U.S. equities lost ground at midday as a report on consumer sentiment in June declined. Cruise line stocks…

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Hasbro Jumps as Earnings Show Licensing Strength

Key Takeaways The S&P 500 edged less than 0.1% higher on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, with interest rate concerns subduing…

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Top Stock Movers Now: Tesla, Hasbro, Humana, and More

<img src='https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/W-7qp8VbEmsYJHFcKhB_6mPor5s=/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(jpeg)/GettyImages-2149410579-059bec87cb8f413bad2d1d202e616594.jpg' alt=' SOPA Images / Contributor / Getty Images ‘ title=”Tesla logo”> SOPA Images / Contributor / Getty Images…

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