

At least 30 Reform candidates have cast doubt on human-induced global heating | Reform UK

At least 30 Reform UK candidates have posted material or made statements that cast doubt on the validity of human-induced…

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Rising Natural Gas Prices Could Push Winter Heating Costs Higher

Key Takeaways A mild U.S. winter pulled natural-gas prices lower earlier this year, but they have since risen. Further increases…

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Real Estate

Tenants cutting back on food and heating due to 30%+ rent rises

Tenants who’ve recently moved house are struggling to cope with higher rental costs, according to a survey from The Deposit…

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Deadly heat in Mexico and US made 35 times more likely by global heating | Climate crisis

The deadly heatwave that scorched large swaths of Mexico, Central America and the southern US in recent weeks was made…

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Global heating will increase risk of parasite outbreaks, say South West Water owners | Pennon

The owner of South West Water has warned that global heating will increase the risk of outbreaks of the parasite…

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The US fire season is heating up – are we in for severe blazes and burns? | West Coast

This week’s broiling heatwave in the US south-west is just the start of what experts warn will be a brutally…

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As global heating cuts Australia’s snowfall ski season may go downhill, report warns | Australia news

Bookings have been slow ahead of the ski season at the mountain lodge in Thredbo that Annalisa Koeman’s parents built…

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Make accreditation mandatory for low-carbon heating installers, says Which? | Heat pumps

The next government should force all tradespeople who install home heat pumps, solar panels and insulation to sign up to…

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Heating proteins to body temperature reveals new drug targets

Some proteins shift their shape when exposed to different temperatures, revealing previously unknown binding sites for medications. The findings, published…

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World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5C target | Climate crisis

Hundreds of the world’s leading climate scientists expect global temperatures to rise to at least 2.5C (4.5F) this century, blasting…

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