
Food & Drink

A High-Tech, Sustainable Cocktail Mimics Champagne and Caviar

There are sustainability-minded bars, and then there is Fura. Jaded with bar culture’s often wasteful status quo and eager to…

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U.S. Creates High-Tech Global Supply Chains to Blunt Risks Tied to China

If the Biden administration had its way, far more electronic chips would be made in factories in, say, Texas or…

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Food & Drink

This High-Tech Martini Features the Bounty of the Arizona Desert

“The old joke is that Arizona is just a bunch of sand dunes like [in] Lawrence of Arabia,” says Chadwick…

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Beauty Refresh Awards 2024: High-Tech Tools, Treatments & Tech

This is the shower filter that made me believe in shower filters. Yes, I logically knew that hard water isn’t…

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