

D.R. Horton Soars After Earnings Beat Despite Macroeconomic Challenges

Key Takeaways D.R. Horton beat analysts’ expectations on earnings per share (EPS), revenue, and homes closed in its fiscal third…

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Top Stocks Moving Now: AMC Entertainment, Dell, D.R. Horton, and More

<img src='https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/SmvLVgpPffhrcx-2UeTWN3yw73U=/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(jpeg)/GettyImages-1793803751-1fe62f8ba9064df1b74c069b4915e9b9.jpg' alt=' NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty Images ‘ title=”AMC logo”> NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty Images Key Takeaways…

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Paul Skenes promoted: Who is the best pitching prospect yet to make his MLB debut? Cade Horton and more

Paul Skenes, the No. 1 pick in last summer’s draft and the game’s consensus top pitching prospect, will make his…

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D.R. Horton, Trump Media & Technology Group, Tesla, and More

Key Takeaways U.S. equities rallied at midday Thursday, April 18, 2024, after a slew of stronger-than-expected earnings reports.  D.R. Horton…

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