

Researchers identify promising protein candidate for metabolic disease treatment

A University of Saskatchewan (USask) research team’s discovery of the additional health benefits of an appetite-suppressing protein has doubled the…

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Hobbyist archaeologists identify thousands of ancient sites in England | Archaeology

Bronze age burial mounds, Roman roads and deserted medieval villages are among almost 13,000 previously-unknown ancient sites and monuments that…

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Biomarker found to help identify cells that can repair damaged blood vessels

Researchers have discovered a protein marker to help identify cells able to repopulate in patients with damaged blood vessels. Their…

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Scientists identify new treatment target for leading cause of blindness

Medical College of Georgia scientists report that a gene previously implicated in the development of atherosclerotic lesions in coronary arteries…

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Scientists identify new brain circuit in mice that controls body’s inflammatory reactions

The brain can direct the immune system to an unexpected degree, capable of detecting, ramping up and tamping down inflammation,…

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Researchers identify causal genetic variant linked to common childhood obesity

Researchers from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have identified a causal genetic variant strongly associated with childhood obesity. The study…

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Researchers identify over 2,000 genetic signals linked to blood pressure in study of over one million people

Queen Mary-led study reveals the most detailed picture yet of genetic contributors to blood pressure. The findings lead to improved…

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New tool helps identify babies at high-risk for RSV

A new tool to identify infants most at risk for severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) illness could aid pediatricians in…

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Scientists identify and show how to target a key tumor defense against immune attack

A Ludwig Cancer Research study has discovered how a lipid molecule found at high levels within tumors undermines the anti-cancer…

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Identify Your Triggers to Quit Smoking for Good

After 15 years of smoking, Adrian Diaz Bulibasa decided it was time to quit. “I wanted to have a baby…

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