
Uncertainty looms after Alabama’s IVF court ruling : NPR

Alabama’s new court ruling that frozen embryos should receive legal protections as “unborn life,” leaves fertility clinics and parents-to-be in…

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How Alabama’s ruling that frozen embryos are ‘children’ could impact IVF : NPR

The decision stems from a case brought by three couples that had pursued in vitro fertilization treatment. Sang Tan/AP hide…

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Alabama’s largest hospital says it is halting all IVF treatments : NPR

Frozen embryos and sperm are stored in liquid nitrogen at a fertility clinic in Florida. The Alabama Supreme Court ruling…

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Alabama Court Says IVF Embryos Are People Under The Law

The Alabama Supreme Court has declared that embryos created using in-vitro fertilization, or IVF, are people in the eyes of…

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Just two northern white rhinos remain. The species’ first IVF pregnancy could save them from extinction | Endangered species

The critically endangered northern white rhino could be saved from the brink of extinction after scientists performed the first successful…

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