

Astronomers think they’ve figured out how and when Jupiter’s Red Spot formed

Enlarge / Enhanced Juno image of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot in 2018. It is likely not the same one observed…

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Jupiter’s great red spot is not the same one Cassini observed in 1600s

Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot has persisted for at least 190 years and is likely a different spot from the…

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Glimpses of a volcanic world: New telescope images of Jupiter’s moon Io rival those from spacecraft

New images of Jupiter’s volcano-studded moon Io, taken by the Large Binocular Telescope on Mount Graham in Arizona, offer the…

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New discoveries about Jupiter’s magnetosphere

New discoveries about Jupiter could lead to a better understanding of Earth’s own space environment and influence a long-running scientific…

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Juno spacecraft measures oxygen production on Jupiter’s moon, Europa

NASA’s Juno spacecraft has directly measured charged oxygen and hydrogen molecules from the atmosphere of one of Jupiter’s largest moons,…

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