

In-person contact linked with lower levels of loneliness in older adults

In-person contact helps lead to lower levels of loneliness in older people, but other ways of staying in touch, such…

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Declining senses can impact mental health and loneliness in aging adults

Most people — up to 94% of U.S. adults — experience at least some dulling of their senses with age,…

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New Study Shows Loneliness May Increase Nightmares

Think about the last time you had a nightmare so terrifying it woke you up. What did you see, feel,…

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Short-term loneliness associated with physical health problems

Loneliness may be harmful to our daily health, according to a new study led by researchers in the Penn State…

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Loneliness grows as we age

Loneliness in adulthood follows a U-shaped pattern: it’s higher in younger and older adulthood, and lowest during middle adulthood, reports…

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Survey finds loneliness epidemic runs deep among parents

A new national survey conducted by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center finds a broad majority of parents experience…

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