

Fat molecule’s inability to bond with shape-shifting protein in cell’s powerhouse linked to an inherited metabolic disease

By studying mutations in yeast and human cells, Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists say they have found that biochemical bonds between…

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Scientists develop most sensitive way to observe single molecules

Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have developed the most sensitive method yet for detecting and profiling a single molecule…

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Graphite Pencil Lead Likely Triggered First Prebiotic Molecules

An artistic conception of the Hadean Earth. Huge, impact-generated lava lakes coexisted with surface … [+] liquid water, under a…

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A moonshot for obesity: New molecules, inspired by space shuttles, advance lipid nanoparticle delivery for weight control

Inspired by the design of space shuttles, Penn Engineering researchers have invented a new way to synthesize a key component…

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Chemists synthesize unique anticancer molecules using novel approach

Nearly 30 years ago, scientists discovered a unique class of anticancer molecules in a family of bryozoans, a phylum of…

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Researchers develop molecules for a new class of antibiotics that can overcome drug resistant bacteria

About a decade ago, researchers in UC Santa Barbara chemistry professor Guillermo Bazan’s lab began to observe a recurring challenge…

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