

How To Leverage Generative AI For Enhanced Chaos And Mutation Testing

Deepak Gupta, VP Engineering at Cars24. Specializes in FinTech, AI/ML, E-comm, digital transformation, business strategy and revenue growth. getty Software…

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Which of the two DNA strands is damaged influences the cell’s mutation profile

Cancer genomes are the result of diverse mutation processes that have often accumulated over decades. Scientists from the German Cancer…

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Rare disease’s DNA-damaging mutation could have consequences for more common conditions

TREX1 is a gene that is supposed to direct the maintenance of the entire body’s DNA, but new research shows…

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People with rare longevity mutation may also be protected from cardiovascular disease

A new study highlights possible cardiovascular health advantages in individuals with a rare condition known as growth hormone receptor deficiency…

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Discovering cancers of epigenetic origin without DNA mutation

A research team including scientists from the CNRS1 has discovered that cancer, one of the leading causes of death worldwide,…

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This Mutation Likely Saved a Colon Cancer Patient’s Life

March 18, 2024 – When Ken Aaron, 51, woke up from his first-ever colonoscopy last February to his doctor mouthing…

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Mutation solves a century-old mystery in meiosis

Movies such as ‘X-Men,’ ‘Fantastic Four,’ and ‘The Guardians,’ which showcase vibrant mutant heroes, have captivated global audiences. Recently, a…

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Genetic mutation in a quarter of all Labradors hard-wires them for obesity

New research finds around a quarter of Labrador retriever dogs face a double-whammy of feeling hungry all the time and…

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A smart molecule beats the mutation behind most pancreatic cancer

Scientists discover a new way to disarm a deadly protein that also appears in cancers of the lung, breast and…

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