

In the brain at rest, neurons rehearse future experience

Some dreams may, in fact, predict the future: New research has found that during sleep, some neurons not only replay…

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How neurons build a 3-D vascular structure to keep the retina healthy

Scientists have known for years that a lattice of blood vessels nourishes cells in the retina that allow us to…

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After spinal cord injury, neurons wreak havoc on metabolism

Conditions such as diabetes, heart attack and vascular diseases commonly diagnosed in people with spinal cord injuries can be traced…

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Neurons spoil your appetite | ScienceDaily

Satiety, nausea or anxiety can all lead to a loss of appetite. Delaying eating can be a healthy move by…

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Craving snacks after a meal? It might be food-seeking neurons, not an overactive appetite

People who find themselves rummaging around in the refrigerator for a snack not long after they’ve eaten a filling meal…

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Middle-age obesity is caused by changes in the shape of neurons in the brain

Nagoya University researchers and their colleagues in Japan have found that middle-age obesity is caused by age-related changes in the…

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Neurons help flush waste out of brain during sleep

There lies a paradox in sleep. Its apparent tranquility juxtaposes with the brain’s bustling activity. The night is still, but…

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Researchers hack neurons’ internal clocks to accelerate the study of neurological diseases

The neurons that make up our brains and nervous systems mature slowly over many months. And while this may be…

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