

Chemotherapy before surgery benefits some patients with pancreatic cancer

Patients with pancreatic cancer who received chemotherapy both before and after surgery experienced longer survival rates than would be expected…

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New 3D technique reveals precancerous pancreatic lesions

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center’s Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center have developed a 3D genomic profiling…

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Molecular pathway that impacts pancreatic cancer progression and response to treatment detailed

Researchers at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and colleagues have established the most comprehensive molecular portrait of the workings of…

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Surgical Oncologist Explains Pancreatic Cancer & Its Treatment After Sheila Jackson Lee’s Diagnosis

Dr. Sanjay Reddy, surgical oncologist and the Co-Director at the Marvin & Concetta Greenberg Pancreatic Cancer Institute, joins “Forbes Newsroom”…

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Difference found in pancreatic cancer cells, offering new hope for immunotherapy effectiveness

A new study has found that pancreatic cancer cells are different based on their location in the pancreas, providing new…

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Scientists uncover key resistance mechanism to Wnt inhibitors in pancreatic and colorectal cancers

Scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School have uncovered why some pancreatic and colorectal cancers[1] fail to respond to Wnt inhibitors, a…

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Opening a new front against pancreatic cancer

A new type of investigational therapeutic in development for pancreatic cancer has shown unprecedented tumor-fighting abilities in preclinical models of…

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Study finds less invasive, safer option for removing benign pancreatic tumors

Insulinomas are an abnormal tumor, usually benign, that grow in the beta cells of the pancreas. Insulinomas make extra insulin,…

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A smart molecule beats the mutation behind most pancreatic cancer

Scientists discover a new way to disarm a deadly protein that also appears in cancers of the lung, breast and…

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Pancreatic cancer hijacks a brain-building protein

Scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) and the University of California, Davis have reached a new breakthrough in pancreatic…

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