

Watchdog investigates Defra over authorisation of bee-killing pesticide | Pesticides

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is being investigated by the environmental watchdog after Conservative ministers authorised a…

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‘I have seen the decline’: pesticides linked to falling UK insect numbers | Pesticides

Prof Lynn Dicks has had her hands in the soil for almost three decades – and she has watched it…

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Wildlife experts urge action on pesticides as UK insect populations plummet | Insects

The UK’s insect populations are declining at alarming rates and the next government must put in place plans to monitor…

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EPA accused of ‘egregious’ misconduct in PFAS testing of pesticides | PFAS

Documents obtained from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicate the agency may have presented false information to the public…

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Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals | Pesticides

Tiny sticky droplets sprayed on crops to trap pests could be a green alternative to chemical pesticides, research has shown.…

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‘Pesticides by stealth’: garden soil conditioners killing worms, experts fear | Invertebrates

Gardeners are inadvertently killing scores of earthworms with soil conditioners marketed as “organic”, experts fear, as they call for tighter…

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Blueberries and bell peppers: six fruits and vegetables with the most pesticide risk | Pesticides

1. Blueberries Why they’re a problem: One in five samples of domestic, conventional blueberries had residue of phosmet, a pesticide…

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We found unhealthy pesticide levels in 20% of US produce – here’s what you need to know | Pesticides

When it comes to healthy eating, fruits and vegetables reign supreme. But along with all their vitamins, minerals and other…

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Kale, watermelon and even some organic foods pose high pesticide risk, analysis finds | Pesticides

Watermelon, green beans and bell peppers are among the many common fruits and vegetables found in US supermarkets that contain…

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Can you wash pesticides off your food? A guide to eating fewer toxic chemicals | Pesticides

To avoid pesticides, consider buying the fruits and vegetables that pose the least risk in a new analysis by Consumer…

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