

Planetary Health Diet associated with lower risk of premature death, lower environmental impact

People who eat a healthy, sustainable diet may substantially lower their risk of premature death in addition to their environmental…

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Icy impacts: Planetary scientists use physics and images of impact craters to gauge the thickness of ice on Europa

Sometimes planetary physics is like being in a snowball fight. Most people, if handed an already-formed snowball, can use their…

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Ultraviolet radiation from massive stars shapes planetary systems

To find out how planetary systems such as our Solar System form, an international research team including scientists from the…

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Diverse ancient volcanoes on Mars discovered by planetary scientist may hold clues to pre-plate tectonic activity on Earth

Volcanoes are a common feature on the surfaces of solid planets within the solar system, resulting from magmatic activity occurring…

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Astronomers unravel mysteries of planet formation and evolution in distant planetary system

A recently discovered solar system with six confirmed exoplanets and a possible seventh is boosting astronomers’ knowledge of planet formation…

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Planetary Commons: Fostering global cooperation to safeguard critical Earth system functions

Tipping elements of the Earth system should be considered global commons, researchers argue in a new paper published in the…

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