

Cringing in the rain: soggy Rish! kickstarts his farewell tour | John Crace

Things can only get wetter. The humiliation. Even when Rishi Sunak is totally down on his luck, he can’t buy…

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Rish!, the tough guy for tough times, gives the UK one last chance with him | John Crace

It came billed as a landmark speech. Another one. And in a sense it was. Though not in the way…

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Rish! tries for gravitas on Middle East but he’s just no longer a serious politician | John Crace

It goes without saying that Rishi Sunak would have preferred the Easter recess to go on indefinitely. The more that…

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Rish! purposefully grips his lectern – but shows he has no grip of the country | John Crace

Nothing shouts “Don’t panic! Don’t panic” more than a hastily arranged speech from the prime minister outside No 10 at…

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Weak, weak, weak: needy Rish! makes a spectacle of himself at PMQs | John Crace

It’s not hard to count the things that are out of Rishi Sunak’s control. He can’t really help being less…

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