

Ube vs. Taro: What’s the Difference Between These Colorful Foods?

Make no mistake, ube and taro are not the same. <img src='https://www.realsimple.com/thmb/7ZBNru_A9mJ57VTbGDg0fLV83bc=/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(jpeg)/ube-vs-taro-GettyImages-1200734141-VeenaNair-3632b5d857024f29b2684e09882d43dd.jpg' alt=' Veena Nair/Getty Images ‘ title=”Ube in a…

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New Nier Tie-In Books Written By Yoko Taro Releasing This Month

Nier fans are in a tough spot at the moment. The Nier Reincarnation mobile game–considered by many to be the…

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Yoko Taro teases Nier 3

Yoko Taro has dropped a sneaky tease that a new Nier game may be on the way. In a surprise…

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