
Food & Drink

Yes, You Can Cook Tinned Fish in Its Tin

Kayla Moreno was looking for an easy recipe to share on TikTok when she remembered a post she’d seen the…

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The Best Place To Farm Tin

As a crafting-survival game with a surprising depth, Once Human doesn’t shy away from the basics of the genre, either.…

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Tin Matches Copper’s 38% Rise, With A Blowout Possible

Copper is the hot metal for investors thanks to a 38% price rise over the last 12 months but there…

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‘Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person’ trailer is exactly what it says on the tin

Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person isn’t just a record scratch of a title. Following a teen vampire whose deeply…

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Food & Drink

I Bring This Jacobsen Salt Tin With Me Everywhere—Here’s Why

I’ll be the first to admit it: I am a salt snob. “It was good, but it needed salt,” is…

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