

Kara Nortman On Unlocking The Billion-Dollar Potential Of Women's Sports

Kara Nortman, Managing Partner of Monarch Collective and Cofounder of Angel City FC, talks to Moira Forbes, EVP of Forbes,…

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Unlocking the Super Powers of Supercommunicators

Episode 193 of the Investopedia Express with Caleb Silver (June 24, 2024) <img src='https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/f092kCbHkWWP4p9bLNCe53tRlu0=/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(jpeg)/UnlockingtheSuperPowersofSupercommunicators-a08743551bd14ac3b969d8050bbccd48.jpg' alt=' Paperkites / Getty Images, Neilson Barnard…

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Unlocking heart health: Advancing noninvasive monitoring in chimpanzees

Measuring the heart rate of great apes in captivity is essential for both health management and animal studies. However, existing…

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Unlocking RNA functionality: A redox-responsive approach

Chemists have developed a strategy using disulfide-containing small molecules to facilitate the reversible control and delivery of ribonucleic acid (RNA).…

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Unlocking the world around us for next-gen antibiotics

An international research team has found almost a million potential sources of antibiotics in the natural world. Research published in…

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The Power In Power: Unlocking A Great African Asset | Forbes Under30 Africa Summit 2024

Moderated by Yandile Nuku- Startup Support, Regional Programme Manager Co-Creation Hub, Jonathan Shaw- CEO of Nuru, and Mr. Vincent Maposa-…

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An Old Abstract Field of Math Is Unlocking the Deep Complexity of Spacecraft Orbits

The original version of this story appeared in Quanta Magazine. In October, a Falcon Heavy rocket is scheduled to launch…

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Unlocking supernova stardust secrets | ScienceDaily

Curtin University-led research has discovered a rare dust particle trapped in an ancient extra-terrestrial meteorite that was formed by a…

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