

‘It’s not beautiful, but you can still eat it’: climate change leads to more wonky vegetables in Netherlands | Netherlands

When 31-year-old Dutch farmer Bastiaan Blok dug up his latest crop, the weather had taken a disastrous toll. His onions…

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These Fruits and Vegetables Should Always Be Washed Before Eating

Fresh fruit and vitamin-packed veggies can be some of the healthiest foods you put on your plate. But produce’s dirty little…

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10 Fast-Growing Vegetables for a Late Summer Harvest

If you think you’ve missed the window to start a garden this year, we’ve got good news: It’s not too…

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Most Shared

How Many Vegetables Do Kids Really Need?

When my 2-year-old began favoring string cheese and croutons over peas and cauliflower, I tried to get creative. First, I…

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Most Shared

Giant Heaps of Plastic Are Helping Vegetables Grow

Each year, on our fruit-and-vegetable farm in New England, my family covers about a quarter of our 50 acres with…

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7 Vegetables That Shouldn’t Share a Garden Bed

Fresh, healthy garden veggies are what every home gardener wants, which is why it’s so important to know which types…

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Food & Drink

I Need to Make Vegetables Exciting

ON THIS WEEK’S episode of Dinner SOS, test kitchen director and host Chris Morocco is joined by cookbook author and…

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8 Vegetables That Grow Without Needing Much Water

There is nothing better than fresh veggies from the garden, but having your own garden can require a bit of…

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Fixin’ to be flexitarian: Scrap fish and invasive species can liven up vegetables

Most of us have a tough time eating enough veggies. According to the World Economic Forum only one in 10…

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Blueberries and bell peppers: six fruits and vegetables with the most pesticide risk | Pesticides

1. Blueberries Why they’re a problem: One in five samples of domestic, conventional blueberries had residue of phosmet, a pesticide…

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