

What’s the deal with terms like “greenhouse effect,” “global warming,” “climate change,” and “the climate emergency”? » Yale Climate Connections

Almost two decades ago, Al Gore’s 2006 documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” raised awareness of the problems associated with what was…

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Rate of global warming caused by humans at an all-time high, say scientists

The second annual Indicators of Global Climate Change report, which is led by the University of Leeds, reveals that human-induced…

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Who Wants to Have Children in a Warming World?

How does race play a factor in how we all process those emotions? What I found in a survey that…

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Health risk from global warming predictor of city climate action during COVID-19, study finds

Cities around the world were more likely to maintain climate action and enact ‘green recovery’ long-term plans after the pandemic…

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Sexual parasitism helped anglerfish invade the deep sea during a time of global warming

Members of the vertebrate group including anglerfishes are unique in possessing a characteristic known as sexual parasitism, in which males…

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Europe Warming Up at Twice the Global Average: Report

In 2023, an increase in extreme rainfall led to catastrophic flooding in in Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Norway, and Sweden, while…

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Warming of Antarctic deep-sea waters contribute to sea level rise in North Atlantic, study finds

Analysis of mooring observations and hydrographic data suggest the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation deep water limb in the North Atlantic…

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Understanding climate warming impacts on carbon release from the tundra

The warming climate shifts the dynamics of tundra environments and makes them release trapped carbon, according to a new study…

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Paradox of extreme cold events in a warming world

According to Copernicus Climate Change Service, February 2024 was the warmest February ever recorded globally. However, North America, Asia, and…

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Cloud engineering could be more effective ‘painkiller’ for global warming than previously thought

Cloud ‘engineering’ could be more effective for climate cooling than previously thought, because of the increased cloud cover produced, new…

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