
Food & Drink

White Pepper vs. Black Pepper: What's the Difference—and Can You Sub One for the Other?

We chatted with a spice expert, a chef, and a culinary editor about how each is processed, how to use…

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What's Behind AI Fear-Mongering?

Just as the printing press revolutionized information dissemination, AI has the potential to transform industries. Source link

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Food & Drink

What's the Real Difference Between Gin and Vodka?

Vodka and gin are similar, but different — just ask the Martini lover in your life. <img src='https://www.foodandwine.com/thmb/DupCv7tNmoIyxWFzF546XXLSqvo=/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(jpeg)/Vodka-vs-Gin-FT-BLOG0524-883033b823b24862a988ba1b2d264328.jpg' alt=' Dani…

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