
What Every New Manager Needs To Know

As someone who has committed her career to helping managers be more effective and impactful, there’s one piece of data that continually haunts my dreams: nearly a third of employees believe that interacting with their manager is the most stressful part of their day (Grant Thornton, 2021). This means that for many, a manager is more stressful than a project deadline, a commute, and childcare (to name a few typically stressful things).

For new managers, this statistic is particularly scary. Often employees are promoted into the role of manager without formal training or a clear roadmap of how to be successful. Of course new managers don’t want to stress out their employees, but they inevitably do when they aren’t quite sure about how to behave as a manager and haven’t yet mastered the skills required to excel in the role.

As a management professor and researcher, I’m often asked the question: what’s the most important skill for a new manager to have? I find this to be an impossible question – like being asked to pick a favorite child – because new managers need a range of skills in order to be effective. But, there are a few things that every new manager should know in order to build the skills, attitude and resiliency required to be successful.

Expectations make (or break) a relationship

The venture capitalist, Marc Morgenstern, said: “An expectation unarticulated is a disappointment guaranteed.” This quote was shared with me when I was trying to navigate dating on Tinder, but it quickly became my favorite quote about a frequent struggle with managing. A manager often gets frustrated by her employees when they failed to live up to the manager’s expectations. But, how much of this is the manager’s own fault?

Take Elliott, a new manager who is frequently frustrated and disappointed by his team members. Elliott asks a team member for a workplan as soon as possible. Elliott expects a GANTT chart by the close of business, but instead receives a to-do list five days later. Elliott’s team member then has no idea why he is upset with her. In her mind she delivered a workplan ASAP.

New managers may bristle at the thought of being explicit with what they want. But clear expectations are critical to any successful relationship, and managers in particular need to explicitly articulate what is needed.

To set clear expectations, a manager should always ask and answer these four questions when assigning a task or project:

● What is the objective or end goal?

● What does good look like?

● What’s the timing?

● What are examples?

Constructive feedback matters (A lot!)

A few years ago, I had lunch with the long-time CEO of a Fortune 50 company that has almost 150,000 employees. During the small lunch, one of the attendees asked the CEO what skill he considered most important to his success as a CEO.

His answer surprised me: he said that the most important skill he possessed was his ability to give constructive feedback to a team member, where at the end of the feedback conversation the team member felt more motivated than when the CEO started the conversation.

Think about it: if a manager is able to give constructive feedback to her team members, and they take that feedback and are excited to improve – wow, that manager is unstoppable. And, research shows that employees want their managers to give them constructive feedback – and give it more frequently than they currently do.

But, most managers hate giving constructive feedback and aren’t effective when giving it, despite its importance in helping team members develop and improve their performance. One of the best ways for new managers to get comfortable giving constructive feedback that’s effective is to use a structured process that guides the conversation and builds the feedback-giving muscle:

  • Start the feedback by sharing an observable behavior;
  • Express the impact that the behavior had and why the feedback matters;
  • Pause for clarification and the recipient’s perspective;
  • Provide actionable changes that the individual can make to that behavior.

You can say “I don’t know.”

When I first became a manager, I was anxious about my team members finding out that I didn’t know what I was doing. My weaknesses felt easily exposed and I spent a lot of time and energy attempting to hide these shortcomings and putting forth an air of confidence (and dare I say, bravado). One manager I spoke with, an executive director at a national non-profit, shared that she avoided certain conversations with her team for fear of not knowing the answer to a question that one of them might ask. Or worse yet, there’s the manager who simply makes up an answer or buries a non-answer in a bunch of corporate-speak when asked something she doesn’t know.

But, here’s a little secret. The team already knows that their manager doesn’t know everything! And by saying “I don’t know” or “Let me get back to you with an answer” the manager is building trust with her team. The manager is letting the team know that they can have confidence that the information the manager does share is true. The manager is modeling to the team that it’s okay to admit that we don’t all know everything and that at times we have to ask for help. And the manager is helping the team build empathy for the manager – something that is overlooked but important for effective manager – managee relationships.


There’s another statistic that haunts me: only about half of all workers believe that their managers care about their well-being (Deloitte and Workplace Intelligence, 2022). This statistic doesn’t quite tell the whole story. Having spoken to thousands of managers, most managers do care deeply about their employees. The challenge lies in the managers not having the abilities and knowledge to support their employees’ success, development, and well-being on the job. Setting clear expectations, giving constructive feedback, and saying “I don’t know” as a way to build trust and openness are the first three steps new managers can take to support their teams.

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