Real Estate

Wolverhampton the best area to start a renovation project

Wolverhampton the best area to start a renovation project

Wolverhampton has been identified as by flooring specialists Mr Sander as the best place to start a renovation project in the UK.

This is based on the house price, planning approval rate, tradespeople reviews, and the percentage of homes with renovation potential.

The city has a median house price below the national average at £193,707, a planning approval rating of 93.7%, 42% of homes with renovation potential, and a tradesperson score of 9.90.

Anthony Miller, chief executive of Mr Sander, said: “This latest study reveals the prime locations in the UK ideal for initiating renovation projects highlighting the regions with significant renovation potential and shedding light on the key factors that inform successful property transformations.”

In second place is Sandwell, another West Midlands area, where the median house price is £199,977, the planning approval rate is 92.9% and a percentage of 43.7% houses that hold potential.

County Durham ranks third with an overall score of 75.35. The median house price is £127,727, with a high planning approval rate of 95.8% and 22% of homes showing renovation potential.

London’s Kensington and Chelsea is the area where it is hardest to start a renovation project. It has a median house price of £1.15m, a planning approval rate of 85.6%, 3.8% of homes with renovation potential, and a tradesperson score of 9.90, resulting in an overall score of 29.71.

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